Sunday, July 15, 2007


As some of you may know
I am a frequenter of a local eatery that serves up a wonderful selection of fried chicken....
As a matter of fact...I meet several of my good buddies there every monday for lunch and conversation...
The conversation usually revolves around music....

Well, Miles participated in his first "Tradish" Monday....It was a proud day...

Here is a picture of him
In this particular picture I believe he is dumbfounded by my choice of music and is preparing a counter point to my argument that Lenny Kravitz is indeed a strong guitar player.....

We'll have more pics up for y'all(i.e. mom) soon



MOM said...

Waiting for pictures!!!

Jake said...

Sam has the pjs to match that t-shirt! (Notice I said nothing about the content of your blog: the music. I'm sure Jake will do that later.) He is adorable! :-)Face

Jake said...

I was going to say that I agree with the musical content, although I've been listening to Lenny a good bit lately and have to say he's a bit sax-happy. Have a horn section, by all means, but come on. How many sax solos does the world really need?

I second that emotion on the boy's cuteness. In fact, I think I'd say he's probably the best-looking baby east of Charlotte.