Monday, February 19, 2007

Sunday Morning!!!!

Hi All

Jessica lead worship Sunday Morning at Church....
It's been a little while since she last lead....Obviously Miles has grown a good bit since therefore her tummy has grown since then.....I think a bunch of people realized she was pregnant for the first time this Sunday...
I had a ton of people come up to tell me what a beautiful mother-to-be she is.....I was very much beaming with pride!!!!

Here is a pic of Jessica, Missy(she also sings at church), and myself between services Sunday morning....


Jason Wallis said...

I am a proud grandpapa! I can't wait to see Miles, you guys are going to be incredible parents!

The Hudgins said...

duane and jessica,
welcome to the blogger world....
can't wait to meet miles! jordan will be so glad to have a playmate during the holidays!
he will be ONE in a month and a half...holy cow it flies by ya'll...